
Kognitiotieteen opiskelijajärjestö

Cognitive Science courses at University of Helsinki, fall 2017

2017-09-04 Pietari NurmiOpiskelu

Hello all undergraduate, post-graduate and exchange students,

Are you fascinated by the complexity of human (or animal) behavior? Have you always wanted to know how the brain works? Do you find consciousness deeply puzzling? Would you like to know more about the philosophy of human mind and artificial intelligence?

If the answer is yes, you will probably want to consider taking Cognitive Science as a minor in your master’s degree. You can do it!

The Cognitive Science module (30cr) is available to ALL students of Helsinki university and all exchange students. Students with highly variable backgrounds are encouraged to take the module. (A student with some background in programming, experimental methods, statistics, mathematics, philosophy, psychology or neuroscience may find their background useful on specific courses, but such a background is neither assumed nor required). You can even take individual courses and fit them to your degree according to your personal study plan. The courses are taught mainly in English.

How do I find the Courses in Weboodi?

Search for: LDA-C500

Here’s the up-to-date information on starting courses:

  • LDA-C5003 Cognitive Modelling Concepts begins next Tuesday 6.9., 12.15, at Metsätalo Lecture room 12 (
  • LDA-C5005 Introductory Laboratory Course in Cognitive Science begins next Friday 9.9. 12.15, at Metsatalo Lecture room 4. (The number of entrants to this course may need to be limited, as it is a hands-on course and CogSci major students will have priority).
  • LDA-C5008 Philosophy of Mind and Cognition
  • LDA-C5001 Scientific Reasoning
  • LDA-C5002 Scientific Programming and
  • LDA-C5011 Cognition and Brain Function will follow in period II (registration is not open yet; spring term courses will be posted later this fall).

Hope to see some of you guys in our courses.

Finally, some more tedious practicalities follow:

  1. You can also navigate to the Course guide in the weboodi hierarchy (not straightforward).

Here’s how you do it:

Instruction and Courses (menu) > Course Catalogues -> Faculty of Arts > Master’s Programme Linguistic Diversity inf the Digital Age: TAB Study Blocks > LDA-C500 Cognitive Science

Or in Finnish,

Opintotarjonta (menu) > Opinto-oppaat -> Humanistinen tiedekunta > Kielellisen diversiteetin ja digitaalisten menetelmien maisteriohjelma 2017–18: VÄLILEHTI Opintokokonaisuudet > LDA-C500 Kognitiotiede

(In the new Iso Pyörä Study programmes the module is administered through the LingDA master’s programme also responsible for the Digital Humanities module)

  1. Important information for those already taking CogSci as a minor according to the old requirements (Cog100, Cog200): the courses will be taught and found in weboodi under the new LDA codes.

Please note that the teaching information is NOT available at the old Cognitive Science Course catalogue with the old Cog codes, always look for the new LDA codes. There is a table of correspondence available on the General Information tab in the LDA-C500 Study Block.

If you have any questions please e-mail me and I will try to answer to my best.

Best, and have a good Fall term,

Otto Lappi

University Lecturer, PhD

Cognitive Science


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